APG: Automotive Parts Group
BAU: Business As Usual (no change) or Behavioral Analysis Unit
BP ?prefix, as in BP01, BP02, …;
DC: Distribution Center
DMOD; Division Modeler
EPTS: Effective Potential To Sale. The modified (by runing through business rules) version of the PTS value that is referenced when Pulse decides whether or not to include a part as an order/return.
GPC: Genuine Parts Company
IBS: Integrated Business Solutions
MIC: Marketplace Inventory Classification: Software application.
MDM: Master Data Management
MIO: Manhattan Inventory Optimization: Company, tools for inventory replenishment
OR (as in OR Exported , Submitted);
PLF: Product Line File (Normally referring to settings at the field line abbr/group code level for a store).
Polk (car registration);
POG: Plan-o-gram
POC: Proof of Concept
POS: Point of Sale
PTS: Propensity To Sell (Pulse data modeling)
RDC: Rapid Distribution Center
RPM:Real-Time Parts Management (new POS system to replace TAMS)
SDG: Store Data Governance
SPSS: IBM tool used in the modeling engine of Pulse
SSG: System Selling Group (Sales teams focused on categories like "Electrical" or "Commodities" )
SM: Sales Manager (One per DC )
SDG: Store Data Governance
TAMS: Total Automotive Management System
TMOD: Territory Modeler
TSM (as on APG MIC visio chart); Territory Sales Manager (Generally several per DC and work with owners)
UAP: United Auto Parts (NAPA Canada)
VIO: Vehicles in Operation